14/15/16 April
27/27/28 May
KSM Functional Spinal Unit Center in Avellino
Course fee: €1,400.00
Deposit: € 200.00 upon registration
Balance: at the first seminar of the course
with the course
- Radiographic diagnosis aimed at identifying vertebral body dysfunctions
- Radiographic diagnosis as a guide to correct and safe spinal manipulation
- Evaluation of neuroimaging to support the diagnosis
- Use of unique manipulative techniques in the world (KSM Method)
- Perfect control and execution of the HVLA technique
- Example of C2 rotation correction technique

of the
- Specialization in the evaluation and correction of mechanical dysfunctions of the spinal trunk according to the principle of the HVLA
- Compliance with all the principles of biomechanics and joint and tissue physiology
- Correction technique C7
- Work in absolute safety without trauma to the patient's spine
- Example of correction technique L5
- Neuroscience as scientific support in spinal manipulation

- Capillary study of landmarks
- Deepening of all the concepts of HVLA and overlocation
- Line-of-drive selection with proper system stabilization
- Thrust technique execution according to neuroimaging parameters (X-ray study, MRI)
Acquisition of the brand new KSM protocol
in spinal manipulations

Teaching staff

Dr. Massimo Iannaccone
Surgeon MD

Dr. Pasquale Donnarumma
MD Phd Vertebral neurosurgeon

Dr. Alberto Ferrante
Scientific director KSM
MD in Physical Rehabilitation Medicine

Dr. Rocco Erra
MD in Dentistry and Gnatology
Detailed program of the course
- Introduction to the KSM methodology
- Elements of anatomy and biomechanics of the pelvis and the
lumbar spine.Detailed analysis and study
theoretical/practical of Spinograms compared to the
study of Radiographic Images - Palpatory anatomy of the pelvis and lumbar spine
with vertebral and articular landmarks - Ki training, preparatory exercises for correct
execution of HVLA KSM techniques - TEST for lumbar spine safety
- Palpatory anatomy and landmarks of the Ileum and Sacrum
Pelvis test and correction (Ilium and Sacrum)
- L5-L4-L3 correction HVLA technique with the two variants
X/Y applications - Elements of anatomy and biomechanics of the dorsal spine
- Elements of anatomy and biomechanics of the dorsal spine
- Dorsal spine and ribs correction. HVLA technique with le
three application variants X/Y/Z - Elements of anatomy and biomechanics of the cervical spine
(C3/C7) - Detailed analysis and theoretical/practical study of
Spinograms compared to the study of Images
Radiographic. Cervical spine correction from C3/C7,
HVLA technique with the 4 application variants X/Y/Z/Q
- Neuroscience: the vertebral column from the point of view
neurosurgical in relation to KSM therapy
conservative - The Images RX and RM will be analyzed in detail with the
dysfunctional evidence of a surgical nature e
conservative, the Red Flags and the main diseases
structural/functional of the spinal rachis with
discussion of clinical cases - Elements of anatomy and biomechanics C1-C2 tract
- Cervical spine safety test, anatomy
palpatory and landmarks of the C1-C2 vertebral bodies.
Cervical spine correction from C0/C1/C2, HVLA technique
with the 4 application variants X/Y/Z/Q - Practical repetitions and clinical WORKSHOPS
- Acquisition of the KI Training sequence,
Centeredness development training
of the operator in order to acquire greater
confidence and mastery of Skills in technique
HVLA - Upper limb mechanical correction
- Lower limb mechanical correction
- KSM laboratory on patients with clinical cases,
discussion with the teachers and repetition of the whole
KSM spinal manipulation protocol - DELIVERY KSM KI COLLEGE Diploma
It's time to become the professional you dream of being
Ask Dr.ssa Monica Serpillo
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for the KSM spinal manipulation course