Psycologist at the KSM Functional Spinal Unit Center
Conservative Medicine of the Spine
Psychologist, registered in the Order of Psychologists of Campania with number 10038.
Specializing in Systemic-Relational Psychotherapy at the Institute of Systemic-Relational Psychotherapy I.P.R. of Naples. In the same school I obtained the two-year Master's degree in Legal Psychology and Psychological Expertise in 2022.
Since I was a teenager, I have had a strong passion for Psychology, a passion that has led me to always approach the study of this discipline with enthusiasm and curiosity. So much so that, having completed my master's degree course in Psychology Applied to Institutional Contexts at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (CE), I decided to continue my studies to pursue a career as a Psychologist - Psychotherapist. Thanks to the internship experiences and not only carried out over the years, I had the opportunity to interface with professionals in the sector, to meet and approach children, couples, families in difficulty, to get involved by putting my being and my skills.
Manager of the KSM Functional Spinal Unit Center
Conservative Medicine of the Spine:
Graduated with honors in Economics and specialized in Relationship Marketing
Proven experience of the last twenty years, in providing assistance to healthcare personnel and patients and in carrying out administrative tasks in the medical field.
Ability to create and update medical records, check patient history, answer calls, manage correspondence and schedule patient appointments.
Essential qualities are dedication to patient care, attention to detail, knowledge of medical terminology and possession of advanced computer skills.
Founder of the KSM Functional Spinal Unit Center
Conservative Medicine of the Spine:
Physiotherapist KSM Functional Spinal Unit Center
Conservative Medicine of the Spine:
Secretariat clerk
Graduated from the high school of human sciences, economic-social option and in classical, modern and contemporary dance from the Arte in Movimento dance study center in Avellino.
Prone to dialogue and hospitality, she has always carried out front office and support tasks.
Excellent management and work organization skills.
Acupuncture is a therapeutic practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. For several decades it has been present on the Italian territory practiced by Western doctors with excellent results especially in the treatment of problems of the musculoskeletal system. In reality, the fields of application of this technique are much broader and extend to the treatment of the functions/dysfunctions of all systems of the human body, acting on the free flow of Qi within the system of energy Meridians.
In the KSM Center this technique includes various methodologies: Acupuncture of the meridians, Periumbilical Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, Acufascial Method, Cranio-puncture.
Chiropractic is an integrative medicine practice, primarily focused on manual manipulation of the spine. Chiropractic bases its principles on the idea that a targeted action on the spine (vertebrae) improves the functionality of the nervous system and, consequently, the health of the person. Correcting subluxations of the vertebral bodies means restoring the free flow of vessels, nerves, ligaments and muscles. The KSM chiropractic model has obtained international recognition and is a methodology that has been taught to doctors, physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors in Italy and in various European and non-EU countries for over 10 years. Its Model today is defined: “KSM A New Concept of Chiropractic Care”.
Cupping or cupping therapy is a practice of traditional Chinese medicine in which local suction is created on the skin through specific glass or silicone cups.
The therapeutic actions are many. Through the "vacuum" effect evoked by the cups, a hyperemia of the affected areas is created, a mechanical action of detension of the fascia and tissue regeneration with activation of the production systems of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, an important action of lymphatic drainage and an implementation of the action of the energy meridians. All this takes place through the characteristic elimination of external pathogenic factors that penetrate the tissues (Cold, Damp, Wind) insulting the system and generating phlogistic states, contractures and stasis.
This therapeutic technique is increasingly in demand in sports by professionals as its activity is capable of conditioning the functional and metabolic aspects of the fascial connective tissue, thus increasing performance and significantly reducing the risk of injury.
Physiotherapy or FKT is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment of problems related to the musculoskeletal, cardio-circulatory, neurological, visceral and lymphatic systems.
The KSM Center offers a multidisciplinary physiotherapy service characterized by the integration of clinical approach methods that originate from sciences such as osteopathy and tuinaology.
Tuinalogy is one of the most important branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It consists of a wide variety of manual techniques that act for preventive and therapeutic purposes on the main pathologies of the musculoskeletal and organic-visceral system, both of a structural and functional nature. One of the objectives of Tuina therapy is to improve and guarantee the maintenance of the flow of vital energy "Qi" which flows in the body of each individual, by implementing the homeostatic processes and rebalancing the patient's state of health understood as harmony between mind , body and spirit.
In modern Physiotherapy, Tuinaology finds ample space by integrating with traditional rehabilitation protocols, shortening the time to reach the clinical result and helping its long-term consolidation.
According to the World Health Organization, it is a therapy that aims to support the physiological function of the body through the use of a variety of manual techniques. It includes an integrated vision of the human body, which makes use of non-invasive techniques and which exploit the functions of homeostasis and self-regulation of the systems in order to achieve the best functionality of the fascial, neurological, vascular, fluidic and musculoskeletal systems.
The KSM Model of Osteopathy prefers a structural action assisted by a gentle approach of a Fluidic nature with the "KI Vibrational" methodology.
Il Modello psicologico scelto nel centro KSM si riferisce alla psicoterapia sistemico-relazionale.La terapia sistemico-relazionale nasce come terapia delle relazioni affinché si possa avere uno sguardo più ampio sulla dimensione sociale dell’individuo. Fin dalla sua nascita ogni persona è inserita in una fitta rete di relazioni con gli altri, per questo il malessere del singolo non può essere slegato dal contesto a cui appartiene. Ciò permette di allargare la visione da una dimensione limitatamente soggettiva ad una dimensione relazionale più ampia e articolata. Tale modello psicoterapeutico ridefinisce il sintomo non più come un problema legato solo ed esclusivamente al singolo soggetto ma come l’espressione di un malessere che affligge e determina in maniera negativa anche il proprio contesto di relazioni.
Moxibustion is a therapeutic technique deriving from traditional Chinese medicine, characterized by the prolonged application of heat on typical acupuncture points and meridians and on areas of the body that need to dissipate humidity and cold from the fascial tissue.
This heat is produced by burning Artemisia near the area to be treated and using specific tools (cigars, cones or boxes).
Artemisia is a medicinal plant (artemisia vulgaris) whose leaves, harvested in spring, are dried, pressed and shredded. These leaves have extremely specific properties, and belong to the ancestral practices of Chinese medicine, still unchanged today in their application technique. The effects of this therapy are identified in the treatment of muscular and fascial problems especially in conditions of invasion of external pathogenic factors such as cold, wind and humidity.
A multi- and interdisciplinary team work takes place within the Center, which arises from the integration of different medical branches including: Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Chinese Medicine associated with Neuroscience, Gnathology, Nutrition, Orthoptics and to Psychology.
KSM is recognized as a methodology of excellence for the treatment of postural dysfunctions and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Fundamental in the correction of the spinal rachis posture is the primary repositioning of the pelvic girdle, in particular through the relocation of the sacroiliac joint and the sacrum.
The protocols we carry out are the result of decades of studies and research by Dr. Iannaccone and integrated with the professionalism of all the other members of the KSM Scientific Committee.
KSM professionals have enclosed, within a single clinical and rehabilitative model, a new concept of therapeutic approach to the patient, which allows for a global vision of the individual, evaluating and treating the interaction and influences of individual receptors ( Visual, Stomatognathic and Podalic), and then integrating everything with the management of the specific functions of the various systems.